The Sanford Center for Aging: A New Home for Caregiver Resources

Welcome to the newly updated The Sanford Center for Aging (SCA), part of the UNR School of Medicine, is the new home of the Caregiver Initiative. That includes this website as well as the Caregiver Guidebook. All the wonderful information and resources you have enjoyed are still here, however, they look a little different with the “silver and blue” theme now throughout the website. Further, the updated Nevada Caregivers Guidebook is available in print as well as on-line here. We are happy to deliver the guidebook to you or you can stop by our office and pick up a copy.

Black and white photo of Jean and Graham Sanford

Carson City pioneers Graham and Jean Cameron Sanford. Mrs. Sanford designated that 80 percent of her estate be used to establish an endowment for a special university program, a Geriatric and Gerontology Center.

Interestingly, the SCA, established in 1993, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. The mission of SCA is to “enhance the quality of life and well-being among elders through education, translational research, and clinical services, all designed to improve the quality of life for elders.” This focus directly relates to the experiences Jean Sanford had while caregiving for her mother. Mrs. Sanford encountered many challenges finding resources and support for both herself as a caregiver and for her mother. As she navigated these challenges it became clear that there was work to do. There needed to be a significant effort made towards improving the availability of support for caregivers. In this spirit, she “envisioned a future for older adults that offered vibrant health, cultural and social opportunities, and dignity of independence.” We at the Sanford Center for Aging hold dearly these intentions. Our team strives to honor and uphold Mrs. Sanford’s wishes.

Currently, the Sanford Center for Aging offerings include: a Geriatric Specialty Care Center, the Nevada Geriatric Education Center, a Gerontology Academic Program, ICECAP Nevada, Senior Outreach Services, Americorp Seniors, the Volunteer Transportation program, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and a plethora of evidence-based wellness programs including Powerful Tools for Caregivers. Ongoing efforts continue with a focus to expand and further develop programs to meet the needs of older adults. We are excited to add caregiver resources to the offerings at the SCA. Our team will be sharing more about the different offerings of the SCA each month. Please visit our website to learn more about what we do and our programs. Be well.

-Sue Harris, PhD, Health and Wellness Coordinator