Community Conversation on Caregivers in the Workforce – Get Your Questions Answered


The impact caregiving has on the workforce is often ignored. Those who care for a family member at home and have a full-time job are often strained beyond the breaking point. The good news is solutions are available.

You are invited to join us for a community conversation, “Caregivers in the Workforce: Balancing Life, Work, and Policy,” on Tuesday, April 24 at 5:30 p.m. at the Reno High School theater (395 Booth Street in Reno).

Register Now


A panel of national and local experts will discuss resources and strategies that benefit employers and working caregivers. The panel will answer questions, including the ones listed below, and there will be time for audience questions.


How should working caregivers explain their situation to their employers?


What are some policies that have been successfully implemented to help working caregivers?


What steps can caregivers take to preserve their emotional wellness?


After the community conversation, we will do a follow-up blog with answers to the above questions and other information.

If you are not a working caregiver, you may be wondering how caregiving impacts the workforce. Seventeen percent of the USA workforce provide care to an older adult and statistics are on the rise.  Moreover, employees who are caregivers have 8% higher healthcare costs than non-caregiving employees.  At the local level, 71% of Washoe County employees who identified as caregivers stated their caregiving responsibilities have affected their work. The average caregiving stint is 3.7 years. While caregiving is complex, evidence shows that supporting caregivers is good business.

This will be more than a conversation.  Attendees will receive takeaway information: a “Caregiver Policy Toolkit”, with tips, suggestions, and strategies to consider that will improve the situation for caregivers, and for companies aiming to support and retain valuable employees who find themselves as primary caregivers.

Please register today.  Equally important, please share this information, particularly with friends or family who are caregivers that work or who work in positions of leadership and/or human resources at local companies.  Together, we can continue to reach out and help with the ongoing challenges caregivers face.


Event Details:

“Caregivers in the Workforce: Balancing Life, Work, and Policy”

Tuesday, April 24 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Reno High School

Event Moderator: Wendy Damonte


Register Now

Discussion Panelists: Michael Marcus, MSW national expert on aging and community development, Dr. Jane Fisher, Director of the Nevada Caregiver Support Center, Dr. Larry Weiss, Founder, CEO and President of the Center for Healthy Aging, Laura Coger from the AARP Executive Council, and Chris Needham, Director of Wellness at Renown Health.

We hope to see you there!